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We have been helping you professionally since 2005. We won’t stop now.

To our Choice Fashion & Media Community: MOST IMPORTANTLY, I hope that you are well. That you are inhaling and exhaling. And that you are having pockets of normal thinking. My guess is that if you have been like us here at Choice, you are having extreme rational and irrational thoughts simultaneously while thinking irrelevant and relevant things… ending in a meltdown/flatline, a cocktail hour, and middle of the night waking (this scenario is ageless – whether you are a recent grad, an executive, a working parent, does it matter?). I have been sitting in this seat for 15+ years, and Choice has been putting people to work for the last 46, and I won’t spend one moment faking my communication with you…You have always trusted us to be authentic and that won’t change now. I have NO idea what the future holds. Sharp inhale and a slow exhale.

The landscape of staffing/career, for now and maybe forever, will be quintessentially different. All of a sudden, our regular professional woes pale. The universe seems to be winking at us – saying maybe work ain’t so bad after all? It’s okay. Every feeling you have is normal. 

Because, as I have been saying all week: there is no wrong because there is no right.

It’s on all of us to wash our hands and also to protect and support business (in addition to one another). How? I keep praying that the economy can just “pause”. If all of us spend and share a little and freeze a little, perhaps it will #stopthebleed and our efforts will be a dose of business fairy magic to hold the financial monsters off. But even though some of the big companies are doing big things, the small business world, i.e. hospitality, retail, etc., are already seeing layoffs. Retail and store fronts will be hit first and service businesses (like ours at Choice) will feel the aftermath. We can only put people to work if our clients give us open roles to fill. As you can imagine, most hiring scenarios are on hold for the live action moment – as we are all currently on hold in the live action moment. That is our business model and our truth but hopefully not our reality. I hope that our clients put one foot in front of the other and we are soon able to staff and hire virtually AND my overarching hope that in struggle we can rise. So many of the things we were striving toward at Choice, with our podcast The Dreamcatchers, and let’s be honest, as a generation will be the lemonade made from this horrific situation. Finally, performance will not be evaluated by presence but of course it’s too soon to tell.

And though time normally heals all, we don’t and can’t recognize this version of time. This version of time has quicksand that we can’t climb out of much less fathom.

BUT, we can’t sit by on the sidelines. We need to start the rescue process even if we don’t know what it looks like. So, our link to hot jobs is below where it needs to be. We will be proactively working for all of you so we can be ready when the world is ready. Also, as we are defined as an Essential Business (we payroll people and that is essential), you can and will find opportunities to work in this climate for clients that need our staffing assistance with business on the front lines, be on the lookout for those as they come in.

XO, Marissa & Jamie, The Dreamcatchers, and the CFM Team


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